
Redirect non-www to www using DNS Zone Editor?

I've just purchased a new traffic tracking service, which requires my domain (registered at GoDaddy) to have a CNAME record pointing to their servers.

I've done that fine, and it's now working.

However, when typing it in without the "www", I get a 404 error page.

My question is, what would I type in the DNS Zone Editor to redirect my "non-www" domain to the "www" domain?

For example, I need my URL to do this…

http://mydomain.com/1234 --> http://www.mydomain.com/1234

Would it be done using an "A name record" or something? Or another way?

I've searched everywhere and can't find a solution that works, so hopefully you can help.

Thanks, James.


  • Assuming you just want to send all traffic from mydomain.com (known as your 'naked' domain) to www.mydomain.com you should be able to use domain forwarding. In GoDaddy this will be in the Domain Manager under "Domain Information" at the bottom.