
Why Gant target is executed when one of the dependency failed?

This is the content of build.gant:

target('cleanCache': 'description') {

target('remove': 'description') {
  File app = new File("...")
  if (!app.exists()) {
     println "Error"
     return -1
  // continue if no error

target('default': 'description') {
  depends(cleanCache, remove)

If I'm running this script, I will get the expected result if target remove is failed:

Total time: 2,21 seconds

But if I add implementation to default target, like the following:

target('default': 'description') {
  depends(cleanCache, remove)
  println "Do default task"

When target remove is failed, the println will be executed and the result is:

Total time: 2,20 seconds

The default target depends on remove target. If remove target is failed, I expect default target is also failed. How to do that?


  • Instead of returning integer value to indicate failed target, you should call fail().