
Prolog - wolf goat cabbage

I'm working on a puzzle game named "wolf goat cabbage". The programming language is Prolog.

move([X,X,Goat,Cabbage],wolf,[Y,Y,Goat,Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
move([X,Wolf,X,Cabbage],goat,[Y,Wolf,Y,Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).
move([X,Wolf,Goat,X],cabbage,[Y,Wolf,Goat,Y]) :- change(X,Y).
move([X,Wolf,Goat,Cabbage],nothing,[Y,Wolf,Goat,Cabbage]) :- change(X,Y).


safe([Man,Wolf,Goat,Cabbage]) :-


wgc(Config,[FirstMove|OtherMoves]) :-

To make it work, I call length(X,7),wgc([w,w,w,w],X). and it shows the result. The problem is that it shows many times first result and then the second result:

X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;
X = [goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat] ;

How to show only one time both results? I tried to add ! symbol to wgc:

wgc(Config,[FirstMove|OtherMoves]) :-
        wgc(NextConfig,OtherMoves), !.

...but it show only the first result one time. Any ideas how to fix it?


  • You can use setof predicate to get a list of unique solutions:

    setof(X, (length(X,7),wgc([w,w,w,w],X)), Sols).
    X = X
    Sols = [[goat, nothing, cabbage, goat, wolf, nothing, goat], [goat, nothing, wolf, goat, cabbage, nothing, goat]]
    Yes (0.00s cpu)