
What is the difference between short/byte inside a parameter and inside a block

Possible Duplicate:
Eclipse bug? When is a short not a short?

In Java I can assign a short or a byte inside blocks like this:

short s = 20000;
byte  b = 120;

Because 20000 is a short value and 120 is a byte value, if I attempt to try:

short s = 67000;
byte  b = 128;

I will get an error that states it cannot compile from int to byte where

byte b = (byte)12232;

will not even trigger a warning that value may get lost. In a function call I'm forced to cast it anyways:

void test(short s){}
test(1) //invalid
test((short)1) //valid

While on return types it is okay again.

short test(){
    return 1; //valid

Why does the compiler sometimes deside to know the bounds of numbers (at least from constants), while it seem that it forgets it elsewhere?


  • Integral numeric literals in Java are of just two kinds: int (which are declared as 123), and long (which are declared as 123L).