I have not long ago post a quesion about how to use the optional content group in pdf. But now I have a new question. How to make these optional content group in a tree structure.
For example. I have 4 different layers. these layers are all OCG layer. 3 layers is text labels, 1 layer have veccotr graphic. So i want it shown as this:
I use a pdf doc as an example
this is in chinese, the chinses character is the name of the layer. Just this meaning.
The answer to this question will depend on which pdf library you are using to generate your files. In general, you will need to produce a file that has an Order array in the optional content configuration dictionary that represents the tree that you want to display.
From the PDF Reference Document:
Key: Order
Type: array
Description: (Optional) An array specifying the order for presentation of optional content groups in a conforming reader’s user interface. The array elements may include the following objects:
-Optional content group dictionaries, whose Name entry shall bedisplayed in the user interface by the conforming reader.
-Arrays of optional content groups which may be displayed by a conforming reader in a tree or outline structure. Each nested array may optionally have as its first element a text string to be used as a non-selectable label in a conforming reader’s user interface.