In Xcode I am trying to get FMDB to use SQLCipher to encrypt a database. In my project I already have a compiling version of SQLCipher which I already have proved is working via sqlite3 calls. I have a unit test that creates the database and 1 table then inserts a row. Everything works using FMDB except the database is still unencrypted.
NSString *databasePath = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]
stringByAppendingPathComponent: filename];
self.databasePath = databasePath;
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if (![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:databasePath]) {
database = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:databasePath];
[database setLogsErrors:YES];
[database setTraceExecution:NO];
BOOL keyCheck = [database setKey:@"B!GSecret"];
NSLog(@"Database is encrypted: %d",keyCheck);
NSLog(@"database created");
} else {
NSLog(@"Didnt need to create database");
[self createTable];
return self;
BOOL tableExists = [self.database tableExists:kTASKTableName];
[database open];
[database executeUpdate:@"CREATE TABLE TEST(TEST_PK integer primary key autoincrement, TITLE text, OTHERTITLE text, TESTVAL text, COMPLETED integer, CREATION_DATE double)"];
[database close];
-(BOOL) addTasks:(NSArray*) tasks{
BOOL insertSuccess = NO;
if([self.databasePath isEqualToString:@""]){
NSLog(@"Database has not yet been initialized");
[database open];
for(TESTOBJ *to in tasks){
[database executeUpdate:@"insert into TEST(TITLE, OTHERTITLE, TESTVAL) VALUES (?,?,?)",
[database close];
return insertSuccess;
Sorted the issue by adding
[database setKey:@"B!GSecret"];
after each database open statement.