
Python Web-Scraping using Beautiful Soup on a messy Site

I want to scrape the following three data points from this site: %verified, the numerical value for FAR, and the numerical value for POD. I'm trying to do this in BeautifulSoup, but I'm not practiced in site traversing, so I can't describe the location of those elements.

What is the easiest way to go about doing this?


  • I ended up solving it myself-- I was utilizing a strategy similar to isedev, but I was hoping I could find a better way of getting the 'Verified' Data:

    import urllib2
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    wfo = list()
    def main():
        wfo = [i.strip() for i in open('C:\Python27\wfo.txt') if i[:-1]]
        soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen('').read())
        elements = soup.find_all("span")
        find_verify = soup.find_all('th')
        far= float(elements[1].text)
        pod= float(elements[2].text)
        verified = (find_verify[13].text[:-1])