
CLPlacemark - State Abbreviations?

I was wondering if it was possible to get the state abbreviations from CLPlacemark?

In the CLPlacemark Reference from Apple it states:

administrativeArea The state or province associated with the placemark. (read-only) @property(nonatomic, readonly) NSString *administrativeArea Discussion If the placemark location is Apple’s headquarters, for example, the value for this property would be the string “CA” or “California”.

but whenever I use it, I only get the full state (i.e California) and not the abbreviation (i.e CA). Can anyone help me here?


  • For anyone else that needs a solution for this, I've created a category class for CLPlacemark that returns the short state string. All you need to do is call myPlacemark shortState


    #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    @interface CLPlacemark (ShortState)
    - (NSString *)shortState;


    #import "CLPlacemark+ShortState.h"
    @interface CLPlacemark (ShortStatePrivate)
    - (NSDictionary *)nameAbbreviations;
    @implementation CLPlacemark (ShortState)
    - (NSString *)shortState {
        NSString *state = [self.administrativeArea lowercaseString];
        if (state.length==0)
            return nil;
        return [[self nameAbbreviations] objectForKey:state];
    - (NSDictionary *)nameAbbreviations {
        static NSDictionary *nameAbbreviations = nil;
        static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
        dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
            nameAbbreviations = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                 @"DC",@"district of columbia",
                                 @"NH",@"new hampshire",
                                 @"NJ",@"new jersey",
                                 @"NM",@"new mexico",
                                 @"NY",@"new york",
                                 @"NC",@"north carolina",
                                 @"ND",@"north dakota",
                                 @"RI",@"rhode island",
                                 @"SC",@"south carolina",
                                 @"SD",@"south dakota",
                                 @"WV",@"west virginia",
        return nameAbbreviations;