I am working on a "fix language in entire document" script with a proper GUI for language selection. However, I am unable to programmatically generate a list of all languages PowerPoint knows including the language names in the user's own language.
For this reason, I am looking for the following:
In Word, I could use the Language object, but that doesn't seem to exist in PowerPoint.
Alternatively, a way to show the user a dialog that will set the DefaultLanguageID
would be sufficient (I could grab the desired language from there).
I couldn't even find a way to set that via the GUI. Showing a similar language selector and getting the result would obviously do the job, too.
The target platform is Office 2007.
What about using Word Languages collection which contains Language objects in PowerPoint macro? So you can get the Language-Name for the MsoLanguageID Enum values. Here you can find the languages Office is available in.
' Powerpoint code
' add reference to word lib.
Public Sub test()
Dim wordAppliacation As New Word.Application
wordAppliacation.Visible = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim languageId As MsoLanguageID
For languageId = msoLanguageIDArabic To msoLanguageIDSpanishPuertoRico
Debug.Print languageId & ", " & wordAppliacation.Languages(languageId).Name & ", " & wordAppliacation.Languages(languageId).NameLocal
Next languageId
On Error GoTo 0
Set wordAppliacation = Nothing
End Sub
Or maybe just like this in PowerPoint 2016:
Dim lng As Word.language
Dim lid As Long
For Each lng In wordAppliacation.Languages
lid = lng.id
Debug.Print lid & ", " & wordAppliacation.Languages(lid).Name & ", " & wordAppliacation.Languages(lid).NameLocal
Next lng