
What is the difference between a trait and a policy?

I have a class whose behavior I am trying to configure.

template<int ModeT, bool IsAsync, bool IsReentrant> ServerTraits;

Then later on I have my server object itself:

template<typename TraitsT>
class Server {…};

My question is for my usage above is my naming misnamed? Is my templated parameter actually a policy instead of a trait?

When is a templated argument a trait versus a policy?


  • Policies

    Policies are classes (or class templates) to inject behavior into a parent class, typically through inheritance. Through decomposing a parent interface into orthogonal (independent) dimensions, policy classes form the building blocks of more complex interfaces. An often seen pattern is to supply policies as user-definable template (or template-template) parameters with a library-supplied default. An example from the Standard Library are the Allocators, which are policy template parameters of all STL containers

    template<class T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>> class vector;

    Here, the Allocator template parameter (which itself is also a class template!) injects the memory allocation and deallocation policy into the parent class std::vector. If the user does not supply an allocator, the default std::allocator<T> is used.

    As is typical in template-based polymporphism, the interface requirements on policy classes are implicit and semantic (based on valid expressions) rather than explicit and syntactic (based on the definition of virtual member functions).

    Note that the more recent unordered associative containers, have more than one policy. In addition to the usual Allocator template parameter, they also take a Hash policy that defaults to std::hash<Key> function object. This allows users of unordered containers to configure them along multiple orthogonal dimensions (memory allocation and hashing).


    Traits are class templates to extract properties from a generic type. There are two kind of traits: single-valued traits and multiple-valued traits. Examples of single-valued traits are the ones from the header <type_traits>

    template< class T >
    struct is_integral
        static const bool value /* = true if T is integral, false otherwise */;
        typedef std::integral_constant<bool, value> type;

    Single-valued traits are often used in template-metaprogramming and SFINAE tricks to overload a function template based on a type condition.

    Examples of multi-valued traits are the iterator_traits and allocator_traits from the headers <iterator> and <memory>, respectively. Since traits are class templates, they can be specialized. Below an example of the specialization of iterator_traits for T*

    struct iterator_traits<T*>
        using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
        using value_type        = T;
        using pointer           = T*;
        using reference         = T&;
        using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;

    The expression std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type makes it possible to make generic code for full-fledged iterator classes usable even for raw pointers (since raw pointers don't have a member value_type).

    Interaction between policies and traits

    When writing your own generic libraries, it is important to think about ways users can specialize your own class templates. One has to be careful, however, not to let users fall victim to the One Definition Rule by using specializations of traits to inject rather than to extract behavior. To paraphrase this old post by Andrei Alexandrescu

    The fundamental problem is that code that doesn't see the specialized version of a trait will still compile, is likely to link, and sometimes might even run. This is because in the absence of the explicit specialization, the non-specialized template kicks in, likely implementing a generic behavior that works for your special case as well. Consequently, if not all the code in an application sees the same definition of a trait, the ODR is violated.

    The C++11 std::allocator_traits avoids these pitfalls by enforcing that all STL containers can only extract properties from their Allocator policies through std::allocator_traits<Allocator>. If users choose not to or forget to supply some of the required policy members, the traits class can step in and supply default values for those missing members. Because allocator_traits itself cannot be specialized, users always have to pass a fully defined allocator policy in order to customize their containers memory allocation, and no silent ODR violations can occur.

    Note that as a library-writer, one can still specialize traits class templates (as the STL does in iterator_traits<T*>), but it is good practice to pass all user-defined specializations through policy classes into multi-valued traits that can extract the specialized behavior (as the STL does in allocator_traits<A>).

    UPDATE: The ODR problems of user-defined specializations of traits classes happen mainly when traits are used as global class templates and you cannot guarantee that all future users will see all other user-defined specializations. Policies are local template parameters and contain all the relevant definitions, allowing them to be user-defined without interference in other code. Local template parameters that only contain type and constants -but no behaviorally functions- might still be called "traits" but they would not be visible to other code like the std::iterator_traits and std::allocator_traits.