
Keeping distributed databases synchronized in a unstable network

I'm facing the following challenge:

I have a bunch of databases in different geographical locations where the network may fail a lot (I'm using cellular network). I need to keep all the databases synchronized but there is no need to be in real time. I'm using Java but I have the freedom to choose any free database.

How can I achieve this?


  • I am not aware of any databases that will give you this functionality out of the box; there is a lot of complexity here due to the need for eventual consistency and conflict resolution (eg, what happens if the network gets split into 2 halves, and you update something to the value 123 while I update it on the other half to 321, and then the networks reconnect?)

    You may have to roll your own.

    For some ideas on how to do this, check out the design of Yahoo's PNUTS system: and Amazon's Dynamo: