
How do I yank all matching lines into one buffer?

How do you yank all matching lines into a buffer?

Given a file like:

match 1
match 2
match 3

I want to be able issue a command to yank all lines that match a pattern (/^match/ for this example) into a single buffer so that I can put it into another doc, or into a summary or whatever.

The command should wind up with this in a buffer:

match 1
match 2
match 3

My first thought was to try:


But I just get the last match. This makes sense, because the :g command is effectively repeating the y for each matching line.

Perhaps there is a way to append a yank to buffer, rather than overwriting it. I couldn't find it.


  • :help registers
    :help quote_alpha

    Specify a capital letter as the register name in order to append to it, like :yank A.