
Differences between distribute, distutils, setuptools and distutils2?

The Situation

I’m trying to port an open-source library to Python 3. (SymPy, if anyone is wondering.)

So, I need to run 2to3 automatically when building for Python 3. To do that, I need to use distribute. Therefore, I need to port the current system, which (according to the doctest) is distutils.

The Problem

Unfortunately, I’m not sure what’s the difference between these modules—distutils, distribute, setuptools. The documentation is sketchy as best, as they all seem to be a fork of one another, intended to be compatible in most circumstances (but actually, not all)…and so on, and so forth.

The Question

Could someone explain the differences? What am I supposed to use? What is the most modern solution? (As an aside, I’d also appreciate some guide on porting to Distribute, but that’s a tad beyond the scope of the question…)


  • As of May 2022, most of the other answers to this question are several years out-of-date. When you come across advice on Python packaging issues, remember to look at the date of publication, and don't trust out-of-date information.

    The Python Packaging User Guide is worth a read. Every page has a "last updated" date displayed, so you can check the recency of the manual, and it's quite comprehensive. The fact that it's hosted on a subdomain of of the Python Software Foundation just adds credence to it. The Project Summaries page is especially relevant here.

    Summary of tools:

    Here's a summary of the Python packaging landscape:

    Supported tools:

    Deprecated/abandoned tools:


    There are other tools, if you are interested, read Project Summaries in the Python Packaging User Guide. I won't list them all, to not repeat that page, and to keep the answer matching the question, which was only about distribute, distutils, setuptools and distutils2.


    If all of this is new to you, and you don't know where to start, I would recommend learning setuptools, along with pip and virtualenv, which all work very well together.

    If you're looking into virtualenv, you might be interested in this question: What is the difference between venv, pyvenv, pyenv, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, etc?. (Yes, I know, I groan with you.)