Let me start with some context. I'm operating in Magento Enterprise Edition and I am relatively new to Magento Development.
I have seen questions similar to this on Stack Overflow, forums, and blogs, but the answer tends to be something like the one I came up with myself:
$parentIds = (Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_grouped')->getParentIdsByChild($_item->getProductId());
$parentId = $parentIds[0];
It's true that this will retrieve a Parent ID, but it will not always retrieve the right one. The "right" Parent ID, in my case, is the one belonging to the Grouped Product from which a Simple Product was placed in the cart and eventually ordered.
The file I'm trying to get this logic into is:
The end goal is to retrieve the thumbnail image of the right Grouped Product in an Order Confirmation Transactional Email. Any ideas?
The information about the parent product is stored in the property 'product_options' of the order item object. You can retrieve the right parent id for every order element by executing this code:
foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $item) {
$options = $item->getProductOptions();
$parentId = $options['super_product_config']['product_id'];