
Find n minimum values in an array

I am using Matlab 2012a.

I have an array of k cells (say 1000). I need to find the 5 lowest values of this array and need to do an average of those values in X and Y.

Anyone has an idea how to do that?


  • Assuming you have arrays X and Y, and you want to find the five lowest Y values:

    [m mi] = sort(Y);
    lowest5index = mi(1:5);
    lowest5Y = Y(lowest5index);
    lowest5X = X(lowest5index);
    meanYlowest5 = mean(lowest5Y);
    meanXlowest5 = mean(lowest5X);


    The sort command with two output parameters returns both the sorted array (in m) and the indices in the original array (mi). The first five indices mi(1:5) correspond to the five lowest values. Taking the mean of these values for both X and Y will do what we want. If I didn't understand your problem statement, please clarify your question and I will take another shot at it.