
Obtain Bacula status in parseable format

Is it possible to obtain the status of Bacula backup system Director in some parseable format?

It looks like the human-readable representation (one you can see when using bacula-console) is formed on the director side during the TCP control connection.


  • You can also pull directly from the database, depending on your needs.


    mysql> select JobId, Name, JobStatus from Job ORDER BY JobId DESC Limit 10;
    | JobId  | Name                                | JobStatus |
    | 231215 | dbs16 Daily MysqlC XBM Snapshot | T         | 
    | 231214 | dbs09 Daily MysqlS XBM Snapshot | T         | 
    | 231213 | dbs10 Daily MysqlQ XBM Snapshot | T         | 
    | 231212 | dbs11 Daily MysqlT XBM Snapshot | T         | 
    | 231211 | dbs16 Daily MysqlI XBM Snapshot | T         | 
    | 231210 | dbs19 Daily MysqlE XBM Snapshot | T         | 
    | 231209 | dbs18 Daily MysqlB XBM Snapshot | R         | 
    | 231208 | dbs17 Daily MysqlG XBM Snapshot | R         | 
    | 231207 | Daily Catalog Backup            | C         | 
    | 231206 | adm6 svnops SVN Backup          | R         | 