<ul id="ul1">
<li id="pt1">Point 1
<ul id="ul2">
<li id="pt11">Point 1.1</li>
<li id="pt12">Point 1.2</li>
<pre class="CodeDisplay">
some codes
<li id="ref">Reference: <a href="link.html" target="_blank">link</a></li>
I would like to get the nodeValue "Point 1" only. In JS, it is:
But I would like to get the nodeValue in PHP (Simple HTML Dom); Here's the code snippet in another PHP page (b.php):
$html = file_get_html('http://lifelearning.net63.net/a.php');
// stuck here:
echo $html->getElementsByTagName('ul',0)->getElementsByTagName('li',0)->nodeValue;
I have used textContent but it just extracts the content descendents under Point 1. This is not what I want. I only want "Point 1". Any help is appreciated!
u may looking for this
<?php $str2 = ' <ul id="ul1"> ' ;?>
<?php $str2 .= '<li id="pt1"><div>Point 1</div> ' ;?>
<?php $str2 .= ' <ul id="ul2"> ' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' <li id="pt11">Point 1.1</li>' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' <li id="pt12">Point 1.2</li>' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' <pre class="CodeDisplay">' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' some codes' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' </pre>' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' <li id="ref">Reference: <a href="link.html" target="_blank">link</a></li>' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' </ul>' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' </li> ' ; ?>
<?php $str2 .= ' </ul>' ; ?>
function getTextBetweenTags($string, $tagname) {
$pattern = "/<$tagname ?.*>(.*)<\/$tagname>/";
preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);
return $matches[1];
$txt = getTextBetweenTags($str2, "div");
echo $txt;
will output : --> Point 1