Under the View-Model-ViewModel pattern for WPF, I am trying to databind the Heights and Widths of various definitions for grid controls, so I can store the values the user sets them to after using a GridSplitter. However, the normal pattern doesn't seem to work for these particular properties.
Note: I'm posting this as a reference question that I'm posting as Google failed me and I had to work this out myself. My own answer to follow.
There were a number of gotchas I discovered:
Thusly, I used the following code:
private GridLength myHorizontalInputRegionSize = new GridLength(0, GridUnitType.Auto)
public GridLength HorizontalInputRegionSize
// If not yet set, get the starting value from the DataModel
if (myHorizontalInputRegionSize.IsAuto)
myHorizontalInputRegionSize = new GridLength(ConnectionTabDefaultUIOptions.HorizontalInputRegionSize, GridUnitType.Pixel);
return myHorizontalInputRegionSize;
myHorizontalInputRegionSize = value;
if (ConnectionTabDefaultUIOptions.HorizontalInputRegionSize != myHorizontalInputRegionSize.Value)
// Set the value in the DataModel
ConnectionTabDefaultUIOptions.HorizontalInputRegionSize = value.Value;
And the XAML:
<RowDefinition Height="*" MinHeight="100" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="{Binding Path=HorizontalInputRegionSize,Mode=TwoWay}" MinHeight="50" />