I have an array of my expected output in my Qunit function.Now I want to test that Is my result of function is in this array or not.
var a =new array('abc','cde','efg','mgh');
Now my question is Is there any QUnit assertion/function that can do this for me ??
I know that by some JS coding i create a method to check this but i wanna be spefic to OUnit only !!!!
If you have JavaScript 1.6 you can use Array.indexOf
test("myFunction with expected value", function() {
var expectedValues = ['abc','cde','efg','mgh'];
ok(expectedValues.indexOf(myFunction()) !== -1, 'myFunction() should return an expected value');
If you want you can extend QUnit to support these kind of assertions:
QUnit.extend(QUnit, {
inArray: function (actual, expectedValues, message) {
ok(expectedValues.indexOf(actual) !== -1, message);
Then you can use the this custom inArray()
method in your tests:
test("myFunction with expected value", function() {
var expectedValues = ['abc','cde','efg','mgh'];
QUnit.inArray(myFunction(), expectedValues, 'myFunction() should return an expected value');
I created a jsFiddle to show both options.