
Installing Zend Server on Production Server/Machine

Hello i was wondering if anyone had to install/or is working with Zend Server.

My Question is: If i install Zend Server on a production server will it mess up my existing PHP configuration? Will i have to bring my application offline first or will Zend Server install without problems?

The application must run 24/7 and i need a reliable PHP Stack that will boost performance. Any comments on the performance part of Zend Server? Does it worth the installation?



  • That's no way to think about handling a production server.

    I'm not experienced with the Zend Server product, but I wouldn't just install anything on top of a running production system.

    Instead, get yourself a new server that will eventually replace your production server.


    1. Start with a clean install of your distro of choice.
    2. Install ZS (take notes on exactly what you do)
    3. Install your application and data (take notes on exactly what you do)
    4. Test it thoroughly.
    5. If it works, nuke the server, and repeat 1-4, using your notes.

    Once you're satisfied that you can get everything working "from scratch" using your notes, create a plan to migrate from the old server to the new one.

    Doing it this way ensures that

    1. You have minimal downtime.
    2. You don't have some mess with ZS installed over the top of some other set up.
    3. You can re-build your server when necessary (you created documentation)

    2016 Edit: These days, there are various tools such as chef, ansible, or salt that replace obsessive note-taking with automation. I highly recommend anyone managing production systems learn one or more and use them liberally.