I am attempting to get Wasabi (the Enterprise library autoscaling block) to work within an Azure worker role. The Wasabi worker role (Extra Small, full trust) is scaling a different worker role within the same service. It works perfectly from a local console app, with an identical configuration - given the errors, the certificate isn't making it to the VM. I am using the latest versions of the Azure SDKs, the enterprise library autoscaling block, and the Azure portal.
Here are the steps I took, based on these docs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh680937(v=pandp.50).aspx
I tried the LocalMachine\My store (configured in the role certificate settings, and in the service information store XML), and I got a different exceptionthe error listed in Azure WASABi SecurityNegotiationException. That fix was ultimately to go to CurrentUser, so that doesn't help me here.
I tried a lot of other combinations of CurrentUser\LocalMachine and different stores, and all CurrentUser locations result in certificate-not-found, and all LocalMachine stores result in the other exception.
I triple-checked the thumbprints in the role settings, the portal (certificate page) and the service information file, and they all match.
I then enabled remote-desktop and logged in to the Wasabi role instance, and used MMC to look at the certificate configuration for both the local machine and the current user. When I selected the LocalMachine store in the role certificate settings, the certificate did show up in the LocalMachine store, which tells me that the certificate is correctly installed in the service and the thumbprints match. When the CurrentUser store is selected, the certificate is not visible anywhere. This could be because the user that is used by RDP is not the same user as the service, but it does match the error.
So, in summary:
Any ideas?
See my answer to this SO POST. The certificate must be in LocalMachine and because of config changes in SDK 1.8 and Server2012 role initialization you have to run the worker role with elevated permissions to give NETWORK SERVICE access to the cert's private keys. Edit ServiceDefinition.csdef
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="blah" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceDefinition" schemaVersion="2012-10.1.8">
<WorkerRole name="blah" vmsize="Small">
<Runtime executionContext="elevated" />