This is a very simple question really as the title indicates.
I have looked in the database and on the filesystem, but I cannot find where Contour stores the forms that have been created.
Please note I'm referring specifically to getting the full picture of a form without having to do an export. Where can I "see" Contour's "data source"?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Please note that as I said I am looking for the full picture. I am aware of the UF tables, but not everything is stored in them.
UPDATE: So I know that not everything is stored in the UF tables, because after renaming the method in a custom field type that I've created I get a System.MissingMethodException
raised saying the method with the old name is missing.
The forms are stored in the Umbraco database in the tables that start with "UF"
It uses a key/value structure so it may be a bit hard to pull them out direct.
I recommend using the API to access form data. More info here:
Umbraco Contour Docs -
Developer Documentation PDF -