
NSPageController not allowed, but settings are set to OS X 10.8

I am using an NSPageController in my app, in Targets -> Summary, Deployment Target is set to 10.8.

In Targets -> Info, Minimum system version is ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}

In Targets -> Build Settings, OS X Deployment Target is set to OS X 10.8.

In Projects -> Info, OS X Deployment Target is set to 10.8.

In Projects -> Build Settings, Base SDK is set to "Latest OS X (OS X 10.8)". Compiller is Apple LLVM compiler 4.2. And OS X Deployment Target says OS X 10.8.

However, after doing all of this, when I try to build I get "Class Unavailable: NSPageController on OS X versions prior to 10.8"

Any ideas. I tried cleaning. I am on OS X 10.8.2, with the latest stable version of Xcode.


  • One more place to check is the deployment version of the nib file. This has tripped me up a few times.