
Print to Zebra printer in php

Looking for the proper code to print from php web page to a zebra IP printer using RAW port 9100. Does anyone know if this is possible? I need to send a string in ZPL formatted output direct to ZM400 label printer. I've searched high and low, the closest I've found is this: Print directly to network printer using php

It seems very close to what I need, but when my php page hits that code, it doesn't do anything. Here's the code I used:

     $handle = printer_open('\\\\\\'); 
     printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_MODE, "RAW");
     printer_write($handle, "TEXT To print"); 


  • If you're looking to send ZPL to the printer, you don't necessarily need a dedicated printing library. You just need to open up a socket to that printer and send your ZPL directly. This is more of a general PHP socket-communication question as opposed to a printer-specific question.

    If the server hosting your web app and the printers are on the same network, then you will be able to open the socket and send the ZPL. If, however, your printers and web app server are on different networks, you will not be able to print over sockets, on that model printer, without additional browser plugins or add-ons. Generally speaking, accessing a remote printer (or any device) via a web-site is a security risk.