
Connection between my Android APP and one Bluetooth adapter plugged in my PC

I'm trying to do that connection but I'm always receive this error: "Connection Refused". The devices are paring but after that I received this exception.

I'm trying to connect with using the correct address and I'm trying to create the socket connection this way:

Method m = device.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[] {int.class} ); tmp = (BluetoothSocket) m.invoke(device, 1);

I tried using one UUID, but I always received "Service discovery failed"

If you need I put more code or I explain better you can say. I'll appreciate any help, I already tried everything that I found in the internet but nothing worked =(


  • From the error it seems like there is no server on the device you are trying to connect to or the server was not running / listening. What application is running on the PC ? Did you setup the Bluetooth Serial ports on the PC and have some application open it and wait for some data to come in.