A lot of solutions are pointing toward's using mogrify, which would work great if it was part of the Node js implementation. All I need to do is resize my images and retain the file names, but place them in a separate "resized" folder. Here's what I'm doing here (in coffeescript, as a plugin for DocPad static website generator):
# Export Plugin
module.exports = (BasePlugin) ->
im = require 'imagemagick'
# Define Plugin
class ImageMagickPlugin extends BasePlugin
# Plugin name
name: 'imagemagick'
srcPath: './src/files/images/source/*.jpg'
dstPath: "./src/files/images/resized/.jpg"
width: 256
, (err, stdout, stderr) ->
throw err if err
console.log "resized some files to fit within 256"
The result is that my images are resized properly, and placed in the correct folder, but the names themselves are "-0.jpg, -1.jpg, -2.jpg", and so on. I'm really writing this for our own specific use, rather than a serious plugin for DocPad, though I think when it's working well we can definitely modify it for general use.
I appreciate any help!
I modified your code like this :
# Export Plugin
module.exports = (BasePlugin) ->
im = require('imagemagick')
# Define Plugin
class ImageMagickPlugin extends BasePlugin
# Plugin name
name: 'imagemagick'
source: "images"
suffix: "_resized"
width: 256
writeAfter: (opts,next) ->
docpad = @docpad
config = @config
docpad.getDatabase().forEach (document) ->
attr = document.attributes
if attr.extension is 'jpg' and attr.relativeDirPath is config.source
srcPath = './src/files/' + attr.relativePath
dstPath = './out/' + config.source + "/" + attr.basename + config.suffix + ".jpg"
srcPath: srcPath
dstPath: dstPath
width: config.width
, (err, stdout, stderr) ->
throw err if err
console.log "File resized: " + attr.filename
This way, you loop over the files looking for jpg files in ./src/files/images/ and you write the resized version directly in the ./out/images/ with a modified name : foo.jpg is resized in foo_resized.jpg. By doing this, you don't "pollute" your src files.
If you just want to replace the source images by the resized ones in ./out/images/, you can simply define an empty string for the suffix in docpad.coffee
suffix: ""
width: 300
or just set it in the config object of the plugin!