I'm trying to perform a post with play.api.libs.ws.WS but I can't figure out how to set the params, my code:
Promise<Response> promise = WS.url(Play.application().configuration()
.post takes (T body, play.api.http.Writeable wrt, play.api.http.ContentTypeOf ct) but I don't understand how I should pass the params there. The documentation only states:
Promise<WS.Response> result = WS.url("http://localhost:9001").post("content");
How do I set the content eg. param1=foo and param2=bar?
Try constructing the request like this:
.setQueryParameter("param1", "foo")
.setQueryParameter("param2", "bar")
The method url(java.lang.String url)
returns a WS.WSRequestHolder
reference which can be used to modify the original request using chained calls to setQueryParameter