
How to add APC adapter to cache classmaps in Zend framework 2

I need to cache classmaps of each of my modules in my Zend framework 2 application using APC in opcode cache . Is there a work around for this .

AFAIK in the application.config.php

   'module_map_cache_enabled' => true,

// The key used to create the class map cache file name. 'module_map_cache_key' => 'test',

// The path in which to cache merged configuration.

  'cache_dir' => 'path/to/data/cache',

By doing so Zend cache is using file system to cache I need it to use APC opcode cache how can I achive that .

I know to use APC in zend framework 1 at bootstrap.php .

But for this I am not finding any documentation in the official site .

Thanks in advance for responding to this post


  • The generated file will be cached by the APC opcode cache if you have the opcode cache enabled. You can check this by looking at the apc statistics page. Place this file temporarely on your server and watch the system cache entries tab. The module map and config cache does only support files and no cache adapters implementing the StorageInterface.