
scheme tail recursion

I am trying to create a scheme tail recursive function flatten-tl-rec that flattens a nested list of lists.

(define flatten-tl-rec
  (lambda (xs)
    (letrec ([flatten-tl-rec-acc
              (lambda (xs acc)
                (cond ((empty? xs) acc)
                      ((list? (first xs)) (flatten-tl-rec-acc (rest xs) (append (flatten-tl-rec-acc (first xs) '()) acc)))
                      (else (flatten-tl-rec-acc (rest xs) (cons (first xs) acc))))
      (flatten-tl-rec-acc xs '()))))

(flatten-tl-rec '(1 2 3 (4 5 6) ((7 8 9) 10 (11 (12 13))))) 

But I am getting (13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) instead of (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13). Whats wrong here?


  • You're accumulating the elements at the wrong end of the list. You can either append them at the correct end of the list:

    (define flatten-tl-rec
      (lambda (xs)
        (letrec ([flatten-tl-rec-acc
                  (lambda (xs acc)
                    (cond ((empty? xs) acc)
                          ((list? (first xs))
                            (rest xs)
                            (append acc (flatten-tl-rec-acc (first xs) '()))))
                          (else (flatten-tl-rec-acc
                                 (rest xs)
                                 (append acc (list (first xs)))))))])
          (flatten-tl-rec-acc xs '()))))

    ... Or simply reverse the list at the end:

    (define flatten-tl-rec
      (lambda (xs)
        (letrec ([flatten-tl-rec-acc
                  (lambda (xs acc)
                    (cond ((empty? xs) acc)
                          ((list? (first xs))
                            (rest xs)
                            (append (flatten-tl-rec-acc (first xs) '()) acc)))
                          (else (flatten-tl-rec-acc
                                 (rest xs)
                                 (cons (first xs) acc)))))])
          (reverse (flatten-tl-rec-acc xs '())))))