I have a Community
model and a Content
model. Each Content
has a community_id
column. I created this simple relation:
$relations['contents'] = array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Content', 'community_id','order'=>'weight DESC, id DESC');
(note the ORDER)
In the CommunityController
I want to display say the top 20 Contents (then in another ajax action get the next 20, no worries about that).
I could probably do it via Criteria, something like:
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->limit = 20;
$criteria->order = 'weight DESC, id DESC';
$contents = Content::model()->findAll($criteria);
But the code looks overkill to me (too long) and I feel like I'm not using at all the Relation I created. Is there a simpler way? Or am I looking for problems where there aren't?
You can use your relation as a method and pass criteria there:
$contents = $model->contents(array('limit' => 20));