
Ruby's Faraday - include the same param multiple times

I'm working against an API that forces me to send the same parameter's name multiple times to cascade different filtering criteria. So a sample api GET call looks like this:


I'm using Faraday for my REST adapter, which takes its URL parameters as a Hash (therefore - it has unique keys). This means I cannot do something like this:

response ={
  url: ''
  params: { a: 'b1', a: 'b2', a: 'b3', a: 'c2' } # => nay

I tried to hack on the url right before the request is sent:

connection = '')
url        = connection.url_prefix.to_s
full_url   = "#{ url }?a=b1&a=b2&a=b3&a=c2"
response   = connection.get( full_url )

Which did not work - when I debug the response I see that the actual url sent to the API server is:


I have no way to change the API. Is there a way to keep working with Faraday and solve this in an elegant way? thanks.


  • I've been trying to figure out how to do this for a while now. I ended up digging through the Faraday code, and found exactly this use case in the test suite.

    :params => {:color => ['red', 'blue']}

    should yield
