
Plot not defined with Julia

I compiled Julia 0.1 from the source code on my Ubuntu 12.04. It is my first time try with Julia actually.

The compilation got through to the end with no problem but some warnings.

When I try to execute the plot command , here comes the problem,

    julia> plot(x->sin(x^2)/x, -2pi,2pi)
    ERROR: plot not defined

Did the compilation go wrong somewhere or Do I have to install extra package to plot in Julia?


  • The web-based graphics are outdated and unmaintained (though there's work in progress to get the next generation of web graphics working). Plotting alternatives include the Winston or Gadfly packages at and which you can install simply using the Pkg.add("Winston") (or Pkg.add("Gadfly") commands). For documentation and usage examples please refer to the linked repositories.