
Oracle - junction tables and connect to prior

I have problem that I think is only solvable with a Connect-to-prior statement.

My data model is, simplified, as follows:

create table TASK
 ( TASK_ID number
create table ITEM
 ( TASK_ID number,
   NEXT_TASK_ID number
create table TASK_ITEM
 ( TASK_ID number,
   ITEM_ID number

a set of items are combined into a task. A set for tasks are combined into one or more items (this is where the TASK_ITEM junction-table comes in). The process starts with a set of items, and ends with a single item (ITEM.NEXT_TASK_ID is null for the last item, and no task_item's exist for the first items).

My problem:

Given one task_id I want to extract all preceding tasks.

This is a problem bordering on those described in Philip Greenspun's excellent introduction to trees in Oracle, or in Wikibook's description of Hierarchical Queries, but can't seem to find any good solutions tackling these problems when they include more ID's and a Junction table.

My own SQL-foo falls sadly short, and I've googled my heart out without finding a solution to my particular problem.

In the voice of Carrie Fisher: Help me Stack Overflow, you're my only hope.


  • The trick I hadn't managed to see for my self is to first join the required information together, then do the connect to-statement.

    I think the code below solves this:

        select parent_task.* 
            from (
            select  parent_task_id, item_id, task_id, level
                from (
                        task.task_id parent_task_id, 
                        item.task_id task_id
                        task, task_item, item
                        task_item.task_id = task.task_id
                        item.item_id = task_item.item_id) properly_structured_parent_table    
                start with task_id = :TASK_ID
                connect by prior parent_task_id = task_id 
            ) task_hierarchy, task parent_task
        where parent_task.task_id = task_hierarchy.task_id;

    The inner mot SQL builds a proper parent_table. The next build a hierarchy using connect by prior. The outermost SQL joins in the rest of the data as required in the application.