
Bitwise XOR uudecode string in Perl

I have the following strings at left with encoded values at right:

123456789012                ,\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_\n
1234567890123               -\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_SP  \n
12345678901234              .\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S], \n
123456789012345             /\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,\n
1234567890123456            0\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,*   \n
12345678901234567           1\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**D \n
123456789012345678          2\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA\n
1234567890123456789         3\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA]P  \n
12345678901234567890        4\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA]]0 \n
123456789012345678901       5\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA]]3^\n
1234567890123456789012      6\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA]]3^_   \n
12345678901234567890123     7\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA]]3^_(< \n
123456789012345678901234    8\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA]]3^_(>'\n

I tried to replicate the decoding procedure (uudecode -> XOR with key) like this:


$key = pack("H*","3cb37efae7f4f376ebbd76cdfc");

print "Enter string to decode: ";
$str=<STDIN>;chomp $str; $str =~s/\\(.)/$1/g;
$dec = decode($str);
print "Decoded string value: $dec\n";

sub decode{ #Sub to decode
    my ($sqlstr) = @_;
    $cipher = unpack("u", $sqlstr);
    $plain = $cipher^$key;
    return substr($plain, 0, length($cipher));

All works well until I get to a string made of 13 characters:

# perl
Enter string to decode: -\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_SP  \n
Decoded string value: 1234567890123

# perl
Enter string to decode: .\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S], \n
Decoded string value: 1234567890123Ó

Any idea on how can I decode all the encoded datas? Thanks!

Ok, figured it out myself bruteforcing the key in HEX. This key 3cb37efae7f4f376ebbd76cdfce7391e9ed9cee4cfceb4b3 decodes all my encrypted data.

SOLUTION, cleaner code thanks to ikegami:

use strict;
use warnings;

sub deliteral {
   my ($s) = @_;
   $s =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
   die "Unrecognised escape \\$1\n"
      if $s =~ /(?<!\\)(?:\\{2})*\\([a-zA-Z0-9])/;
   $s =~ s/\\(.)/$1/sg;
   return $s;

sub uudecode {
   return unpack 'u', $_[0];

sub decode {
   my ($key, $cipher) = @_;
   return substr($cipher^$key, 0, length($cipher));

my $key = pack('H*', '3cb37efae7f4f376ebbd76cdfce7391e9ed9cee4cfceb4b3');

print "Enter string to decode: ";
chomp( my $coded = <STDIN> );

my $cipher = uudecode(deliteral($coded));
my $plain = decode($key, $cipher);
print("Plain text: $plain\n");


$ perl
Enter string to decode: ,\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_\n
Plain text: 123456789012
$ perl
Enter string to decode: 8\#8%-SM+"Q$[2C4?_S],,**GA]]3^_(>'\n
Plain text: 123456789012345678901234


  • Here is the solution to my question. I bruteforced the key HEX byte by byte.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    sub deliteral {
       my ($s) = @_;
       $s =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
       die "Unrecognised escape \\$1\n"
          if $s =~ /(?<!\\)(?:\\{2})*\\([a-zA-Z0-9])/;
       $s =~ s/\\(.)/$1/sg;
       return $s;
    sub uudecode {
       return unpack 'u', $_[0];
    sub decode {
       my ($key, $cipher) = @_;
       return substr($cipher^$key, 0, length($cipher));
    my $key = pack('H*', '3cb37efae7f4f376ebbd76cdfce7391e9ed9cee4cfceb4b3');
    print "Enter string to decode: ";
    chomp( my $coded = <STDIN> );
    my $cipher = uudecode(deliteral($coded));
    my $plain = decode($key, $cipher);
    print("Plain text: $plain\n");