
Nested fragments disappear during transition animation

Here's the scenario: Activity contains fragment A, which in turn uses getChildFragmentManager() to add fragments A1 and A2 in its onCreate like so:

  .replace(, new FragmentA1())
  .replace(, new FragmentA2())

So far, so good, everything is running as expected.

We then run the following transaction in the Activity:

  .setCustomAnimations(anim1, anim2, anim1, anim2)
  .replace(, new FragmentB())

During the transition, the enter animations for fragment B runs correctly but fragments A1 and A2 disappear entirely. When we revert the transaction with the Back button, they initialize properly and display normally during the popEnter animation.

In my brief testing, it got weirder - if I set the animations for the child fragments (see below), the exit animation runs intermittently when we add fragment B

  .setCustomAnimations(enter, exit)
  .replace(, new FragmentA1())
  .replace(, new FragmentA2())

The effect I want to achieve is simple - I want the exit (or should it be popExit?) animation on fragment A (anim2) to run, animating the whole container, including its nested children.

Is there any way to achieve that?

Edit: Please find a test case here

Edit2: Thanks to @StevenByle for pushing me to keep trying with the static animations. Apparently you can set animations on a per-op basis (not global to the whole transaction), which means the children can have an indefinite static animation set, while their parent can have a different animation and the whole thing can be committed in one transaction. See the discussion below and the updated test case project.


  • In order to avoid the user seeing the nested fragments disappearing when the parent fragment is removed/replaced in a transaction you could "simulate" those fragments still being present by providing an image of them, as they appeared on the screen. This image will be used as a background for the nested fragments container so even if the views of the nested fragment go away the image will simulate their presence. Also, I don't see loosing the interactivity with the nested fragment's views as a problem because I don't think you would want the user to act on them when they are just in the process of being removed(probably as a user action as well).

    I've made a little example with setting up the background image(something basic).