
Tridion: Changing Components' Embedded filed values

I should loop trough all my components and change certain fields' content. Everything is going fine until I encounter on embedded filed. I do not know how to get values from embedded filed, check embedded filed type, change value and save. I can access the embedded fields by using TOM.NET API, but in that case I cannot save my component. If I understood well TOM.NET API is "read only" - no changing is allowed.

Please Help ! Thanks, Milos


  • I found the solution. This is the peace of code which loop trough the all embedded fields:

    public void loopFileds(ItemField field)
                ItemFields embeddedFileds = field.value[1] as ItemFields;
                if (embeddedFileds != null)
                    foreach (ItemField item in embeddedFileds)
                           // recursive call to pass through all embedded fields with the custom depth