I have a mocked function in a class like
int foo(const bar& b) const;
which is mocked like
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(foo, int(const bar& b));
for which I've set set some default actions like
ON_CALL(anObject, foo(bar(0,0))).WillByDefault(Return(1));
My code under test calls
but instead of returning 1, gmock gives me the following error:
Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.
Function call: foo(@0xbfffcf90 8-byte object <00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00>)
The mock function has no default action set, and its return type has no default value set.
The operator ==
is defined for the object bar
. Why can't gmock find my default actions?
The error was not in the code above. The ON_CALL
statement was after the code on test.
Simple answer: Be sure to have the ON_CALL statements before any code calls the mocked methods.