I am running nginx + php-fpm. Is there any way how can I know what is each of the PHP processes doing? Something like extended mod_status in apache, where I can see that apache process with PID x is processing URL y. I'm not sure if the PHP process knows the URL, but getting the script path and name will be sufficient.
After some googling hours and browsing PHP.net bug tracking system I have found the solution. It is available since PHP 5.3.8 or 5.3.9, but doesn't seem to be documented. Based on feature request #54577, the status page supports option full
, which will display status of each worker separately. So for example the URL will be http://server.com/php-status?full
and sample output looks like:
pid: 22816
state: Idle
start time: 22/Feb/2013:15:03:42 +0100
start since: 10933
requests: 28352
request duration: 1392
request method: GET
request URI: /ad.php?zID=597
content length: 0
user: -
script: /home/web/server.com/ad/ad.php
last request cpu: 718.39
last request memory: 1310720