
Bluetooth error: Native Library bluecove_arm not available

I'm having some difficulty running a leJOS pc program on my Raspberry Pi. It works on my PC.

I get an error stating: "Native Library bluecove_arm not available"

Bluetooth works fine otherwise using: "hcitool scan"

I can't find a compiled version of Bluecove for ARMv6 / Raspberry Pi.

I've installed Maven on my PC and installed the Maven Eclipse plug-in, in an attempt to compile Bluecove from the source files: though I can't see how to choose what platform I want to target (ARM11).

I noticed another user has asked a pretty similar question, but hasn't provided anything useful: My Java bluetooth server on raspberry pi running debian wheezy needs bluecove native library - where can I find it?


  • You want to:

    Extra steps

    One extra step I did before all of this was to install "Maven" on my pi: sudo apt-get install maven: then from the directory which contains the 'build.xml' file I run the command mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true

    end extra steps

    I'm not at my Pi right now, so I can't tell you precisely what I did with that file: I'm sure I included it in the classpath for my project: but I don't think it actually mattered.

    If you have any trouble with the steps above: let me know and I'll do my best to help and clarify!