
How to avoid heap fragmentation?

I'm currently working on a project for medical image processing, that needs a huge amount of memory. Is there anything I can do to avoid heap fragmentation and to speed up access of image data that has already been loaded into memory?

The application has been written in C++ and runs on Windows XP.

EDIT: The application does some preprocessing with the image data, like reformatting, calculating look-up-tables, extracting sub images of interest ... The application needs about 2 GB RAM during processing, of which about 1,5 GB may be used for the image data.


  • If you are doing medical image processing it is likely that you are allocating big blocks at a time (512x512, 2-byte per pixel images). Fragmentation will bite you if you allocate smaller objects between the allocations of image buffers.

    Writing a custom allocator is not necessarily hard for this particular use-case. You can use the standard C++ allocator for your Image object, but for the pixel buffer you can use custom allocation that is all managed within your Image object. Here's a quick and dirty outline:

    This is just one simple idea with lots of room for variation. The main trick is to avoid freeing and reallocating the image pixel buffers.