
Upgrade live Universal App to iPad only

We have a live universal app in the AppStore. Our client changed his mind and doesn't want the app to be universal anymore, he wants it to be iPad only.

Since the app was submitted some time ago, there are users who use the iPhone version.

What happens if we submit an upgrade that is iPad only?

Will the review team reject it?

And if it goes live, will the iPhone users receive a notification about the update? If yes in what form?

Or will the iPhone users just be unable to reinstall the app?

Thank you!


  • here is the answer of your question: https://itunesconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/wo/

    See the answer of this question:

    "Why are correct device requirements important? Can I update them on iTunes Connect?"

    Here is the important part:

    "To change your app's device requirement after your first binary submission, submit an app update binary with the new information in the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key. You are only allowed to expand your device requirements. Submitting an update to restrict your device requirements is not permitted"

    This means that if you've already submitted an universal build and then you try to submit only iPhone or only iPad build as update of the universal app ... Sorry, you can't.