Suppose I have the following snippet:
$assoc = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Id = 42
Name = "Slim Shady"
Owner = "Eminem"
Write-Host $assoc.Id + " - " + $assoc.Name + " - " + $assoc.Owner
I'd expect this snippet to show:
42 - Slim Shady - Eminem
But instead it shows:
42 + - + Slim Shady + - + Eminem
Which makes me think the +
operator isn't appropriate for concatenating strings and variables.
How should you approach this with PowerShell?
Write-Host "$($assoc.Id) - $($assoc.Name) - $($assoc.Owner)"
See the Windows PowerShell Language Specification Version 3.0, p25, sub-expressions expansion.