When creating a .NET-based Office add-in without VSTO, it's necessary (or at least desirable) to use a "COM shim" that loads the add-in, to provide process isolation so that the effect of any crash is limited to that add-in.
Microsoft (I think) provided the C++ shim project that I've been using, but now I'm belatedly upgrading my project from .NET 1.1 (yes, really) to .NET 4.
I'm getting a compiler warning from the shim project:
warning C4996: 'CorBindToRuntimeEx': This API has been deprecated. Refer to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=143720 for more details.
Unfortunately, this link doesn't actualy tell me how to fix it, and since I don't understand the original, I'm not in a position to do this.
FYI, the offending code looks like this:
// Load runtime into the process ...
hr = CorBindToRuntimeEx(
// version, use default
// flavor, use default
// domain-neutral"ness" and gc settings
(PVOID*) &m_pHost);
Is there a new version of the shim project available? I've been unable to find one...
I found this, which is a solution for VS2010. It also covers how to set breakpoints in your add-in when using a shim, which is something I'd always found problematic.
I was able to convert this to a VS2012 project, too.