I'm having hard time with this, it's not a direct problem of implementation but I don't understand which is the right way to do it, I have two options, but first, these are my models:
class Boat < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }
has_many :tech_specs, order: 'position'
def visible?
class TechSpec < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :boat_id, presence: true
validates :tech_spec_name_id, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: :boat_id }
belongs_to :boat
belongs_to :tech_spec_name
before_destroy :destroy_name_if_required
acts_as_list scope: :boat
def as_json(options = {})
super(options.except!(:tech_spec_name_id).merge!(methods: [self.name]))
def name
self.tech_spec_name.try(:name) || ''
def name=(value)
self.tech_spec_name = TechSpecName.find_or_create_by_name(value)
def destroy_name_if_required
self.tech_spec_name.destroy if self.tech_spec_name.tech_specs.size <= 1
class TechSpecName < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }
has_many :tech_specs
def self.with_name_like(str)
where('lower(name) LIKE lower(?)', "%#{ str }%")
The problem is that I want a page for a boat showing some tech specs when with a locale and when on a different locale, showing other tech specs.
Idea #1
My basic idea is to add to TechSpec
globalize3 on tech_spec.value and on TechSpecName
for field tech_spec_name.name
Idea #2
The other idea is to remove TechSpecName and, instead, use a field (tech_spec.name) that will "replace" completely TechSpecName. Notice that in this case, I'll still need to fetch names for autocomplete, but I will filter them in TechSpec instead of fetching all from TechSpecName. This field will use globalize3 again obviusly.
I don't know the downside of both approaches, so I need a suggestion.
Seems like idea #1 is ok, it works correctly and reduce the amount of repeated text inside Db.
helps a lot too, also Globalize.with_locale
is helpful