
What is the perl equivalent of MAX_INT?

I am new to perl and seeking the lowest value in an @array. Is there some constant that represents a very large integer number?

I know I could sort the array and take the beginning, but that seems to be a lot of wasted CPU cycles. What is an elegant solution to my problem in Perl?


  • In the general case, you can use undef to signal a non-existent value; perl scalars aren't restricted to holding just integers. That would be written:

    my $min; # undef by default
    for my $value (@array) {
      $min = $value if !defined $min or $value < $min;

    But there are some simpler options here. For example, initialize $min to the first value in the array, then compare to the rest:

    my $min = $array[0];
    for my $i (1 .. $#array) {
      $min = $array[$i] if $array[$i] < $min;

    Or just use a built-in function:

    use List::Util 'min';
    my $min = min @array;