
Using Convert on an ELSE CASE SQL query

I am performing a SQL query in Postgres, which selects a numeric field. I need to display a string value as the result of this SELECT, so I am using a CASE statement like this:

case numeric_field
when 100 then 'some string'
when 200 then 'some other string'

The problem is that if the numeric field has any other value (like 300 for example), I need to display this value (as a string of course). I try to put a CONVERT on the else like this

else CONVERT(varchar(10),numeric_field)

But it didn't work. How do I do this?


  • SELECT CASE numeric_field
              WHEN 100 THEN 'some string'
              WHEN 200 THEN 'some other string'
              ELSE numeric_field::text
           END AS result

    Your statement was incomplete, END was missing. Read the manual here.

    To output a numeric field as text, just cast it to text: numeric_field::text, which is the Postgres specific short form of the SQL standard call:

        cast (numeric_field AS text)
