JSR-275 has been discontinued and will soon be removed from the javax namespace as far as I can tell from googling around. Supposedly there is a replacement at org.unitsofmeasurement but the API seems to be quite different from JSR-275. Supposedly jscience is a replacement but there doesn't seem to be a maven repository with artefacts (like a JAR) that can be relied upon.
Am I missing something or is this just one of those things where I need to download source, build my own JAR, and ignore the chaos out on the Internet?
And if I do that, what are the options? Is there a good option for source download or to I need to just grab a copy of the something like jsr-275 1.0-beta-2 jar and stash it away in my own repo? This seems a bit risky since a future Java upgrade (Java 9?) could potentially break compatibility with some old jars.
How are you handling this issue?
While looking for a JSR-275 replacement, I found Eclipse UOMo http://www.eclipse.org/uomo/.
It is still at the incubation stage, but it seems very promising.
Don't know if they have a Maven repository, but it is fully OSGi compatible, which is very interesting.