I have a function isOverlap which tells if two objects overlap, here is the source code:
function isOverlap(idOne,idTwo){
var objOne=$("#"+idOne),
offsetOne = objOne.offset(),
offsetTwo = objTwo.offset(),
widthOne = objOne.width(),
widthTwo = objTwo.width(),
heightOne = objOne.height(),
heightTwo = objTwo.height();
var leftTop = leftTwo > leftOne && leftTwo < leftOne+widthOne
&& topTwo > topOne && topTwo < topOne+heightOne,
rightTop = leftTwo+widthTwo > leftOne && leftTwo+widthTwo < leftOne+widthOne
&& topTwo > topOne && topTwo < topOne+heightOne,
leftBottom = leftTwo > leftOne && leftTwo < leftOne+widthOne
&& topTwo+heightTwo > topOne && topTwo+heightTwo < topOne+heightOne,
rightBottom = leftTwo+widthTwo > leftOne && leftTwo+widthTwo < leftOne+widthOne
&& topTwo+heightTwo > topOne && topTwo+heightTwo < topOne+heightOne;
return leftTop || rightTop || leftBottom || rightBottom;
The main thing I need is how to format calling the function, any help? Here is my failed attempt at doing so:
if($(document).isOverlap("#mario", ".block")) {
$(".block").hide("explode", { pieces: 16 }, 100);
You can find the program I am attempting to make here
I found that the problem was that I simply had an unneeded )
when I was attempting to change the .click
line to .isOverlap