
Generate passwords from list in pairs of two

I've recently found an old TrueCrypt volume file of mine, but after an hour of trying out different passwords I haven't found the right one. I know for a fact that I used a combination of old passwords, but it would take a very long time to try all combinations by hand. I've tried different programs (such as Crunch) to construct a wordlist, but all they do is to generate combinations of every single entry in the .txt-file.

So my question is: does anyone know of a program that could combine all the entries in the file, but only in pairs of two?

For example:

String 1 = hello

String 2 = bye

output =




  • Under windows, the following command will combine all combinations of two passwords into a new file, using a plain text file as input with line-seperated passwords.

    for /F "tokens=*" %i in (passwords.txt) do @(
        for /F "tokens=*" %j in (passwords.txt) do
            @echo %i%j
    )>> combinations.txt