
"Class does not support automation" error when i call Request.ServerVariables("remote_host")

I'm in the process of writing a basic cookie for an ecommerce site which is going to store the user's IP among other details.

We'll then record the pages they view in the database and pull out a list of recently viewed pages.

However i'm having an issue with the following code.

dim caller
caller = Response.Cookies("caller")
if caller = "" then 
    caller = Request.ServerVariables("remote_host")
end if  

On running this, i get the following error message.

"Sun ONE ASP VBScript runtime (0x800A01AE) Class does not support automation"

Any ideas? Google has nothing obvious.


  • Should be Request.Cookies when checking the value.:

    dim caller
    caller = Request.Cookies("caller")
    if caller = "" then 
        caller = Request.ServerVariables("remote_host")
    end if